What Does Your Pandora Session Timed Out Mean

What Does Your Pandora Session Timed Out Mean

Says session is timed out

When I try to go pandora that is set up on my tablet, I get the blue pandora screen . When I tap it, it says your session has timed out. I have tried all different ways to sign in and access it, but, it won't do anything, just gives me that message.


I have exactly the same problem. Also, I only use Pandora a few times per week for a total of less than 2 hours per week.


mine works on my phone which is the same log-in. its just on my tablet. my tablet isnt connecting to the enternet at all but iv connected it to two different wifi networks and it says it has wifi but its not working on the enternet.

For one you can't spell I am in a smaller grade than you and you can't even spell internet right you big old dummy

For someone who can spell, you sure do not know anything about punctuations.

Why has this not gone viral? hahaha

Everyone needs to chill out. It's the internet; there are all kinds of different people on here. Maybe the person has difficulty spelling. You do not need to be oblivious to it and call them out on it.

I had same problem! I uninstalled and reinstalled.  Works again!

Same problem for about 2 months now. What do I  do to fix it??

I had same problem. I had to uninstall and install again. This was the only thing that worked.

Pandora says my session is timed out. Tried everything to fix it,but failed. How do I fix it?

Trying to listen to pandora on my samsung galaxy s7

I just went into the settings and cleared the cache on the app and it worked again.

Thank you, I did what you said and it worked :)

This is what finally worked for me as well!

I listen to Pandora on my phone every night. When I go into it now, it tells me session timed out. How do I correct it so I can still listen. When I hit ok nothing happened.

I can't uninstall it,it is already programed in my android.NOW,what do I do?

Pandora session timed out

Says my Pandora session is timed out How do I GET IT BACK .5

Settings>application manager>pandora>clear cache> retry pandora.

if that doesnt work

settings>application manager>pandora>clear data> retry pandora. after doing this you will have to re input your log in information.

(assuming you have an android device)

Thank you so much. Problem solved.

You're the man. I cleared Data from settings like you instructed and it worked fine. Thank you so much. About this other guy that made a comment about( I am )or( I'm )you are very rude and should work on issues that you have before you pick on other people

Had to use clear data but it worked for me. Thanks

You need to uninstall Pandora then install it again. Do you hear your music playing again? Sounds good to your ears, get it girl!

how come i cant use my pandora on my phone and i have been using it this has never happed before

Mine did tge same thing, i just made a new acount

I just said i forgot my password, then tryed logging in and it worked

I tried to get Pandora on my phone and it says session is timed out

I have the same problem on my phone it keep saying out of session if I'm paying for Pandora y I can't listen to it

I'm having the same problem I get a blue screen then it says out of session

Had this problem on my S7. Reinstalling didn't work. Instead of clicking ok I clicked settings and signed out then back in and that fixed it for me. Didn't try clearing cache/data

Me to says section timeout

Go to SETTINGS on you smartphone,  Then to APPS, then STORAGE.  There are a couple options which are "Clear Data" and "Clear Cache".  Hit the "CLEAR DATA.  Now launch Pandora, Sign In with your email and password.  BOOM, you are back playing your favorite songs.

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Source: https://sitedown.co/pandora/says-session-is-timed-out

Posted by: cawthorneglact1947.blogspot.com

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